Shipping Speeds for Original Art
Currently original artwork is available for shipping only in the United Kingdom.
The estimated delivery is between 3-7 business days.
For more information please contact me through the contact section.
Shipping Speeds for Art Prints
The estimated delivery of an art print is calculated based on the following:
Fulfillment + Shipping = Estimated delivery
Fulfillment: It takes 2–5 business days to create print products.
Shipping: The average shipping time is 4 business days depending on the order's destination.
For more information per country please consult the country breakdown below.
Estimated delivery: You will get your order after it is fulfilled and shipped.
Country | Code | Shipping speed |
Afghanistan | AFG | Usually 8-11 days |
Albania | ALB | Usually 14-16 days |
Algeria | DZA | Usually 8-14 days |
Andorra | AND | Usually 6 days |
Angola | AGO | Usually 8-14 days |
Argentina | ARG | Usually 8-14 days |
Armenia | ARM | Usually 8-11 days |
Australia | AUS | Usually 2-14 days |
Austria | AUT | Usually 3-5 days |
Azerbaijan | AZE | Usually 6-10 days |
Bahrain | BHR | Usually 8-11 days |
Bangladesh | BGD | Usually 6-10 days |
Belarus | BLR | Usually 8 days |
Belgium | BEL | Usually 2-4 days |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | BIH | Usually 12-14 days |
Brazil | BRA | Usually 8-14 days |
Bulgaria | BGR | Usually 6-8 days |
Cambodia | KHM | Usually 6-10 days |
Cameroon | CMR | Usually 8-14 days |
Canada | CAN | Usually 6-10 days |
Chile | CHL | Usually 8-14 days |
China | CHN | Usually 8-12 days |
Colombia | COL | Usually 8-14 days |
Costa Rica | CRI | Usually 8-14 days |
Croatia | HRV | Usually 5-7 days |
Cyprus | CYP | Usually 5-7 days |
Czech Republic | CZE | Usually 4-6 days |
Denmark | DNK | Usually 2-4 days |
Dominican Republic | DOM | Usually 8-14 days |
Egypt | EGY | Usually 8-14 days |
El Salvador | SLV | Usually 8-14 days |
Estonia | EST | Usually 4-6 days |
Finland | FIN | Usually 5-7 days |
France | FRA | Usually 3-5 days |
French Guiana | GUF | Usually 8-14 days |
Georgia | GEO | Usually 6-10 days |
Germany | DEU | Usually 3-6 days |
Ghana | GHA | Usually 8-14 days |
Gibraltar | GIB | Usually 8-10 days |
Greece | GRC | Usually 6-8 days |
Haiti | HTI | Usually 8-14 days |
Honduras | HND | Usually 8-14 days |
Hong Kong | HKG | Usually 6-10 days |
Hungary | HUN | Usually 5-7 days |
Iceland | ISL | Usually 7-9 days |
India | IND | Usually 6-10 days |
Indonesia | IDN | Usually 6-10 days |
Iraq | IRQ | Usually 8-11 days |
Ireland | IRL | Usually 6-8 days |
Israel | ISR | Usually 8-11 days |
Italy | ITA | Usually 5-7 days |
Japan | JPN | Usually 4-8 days |
Jordan | JOR | Usually 8-11 days |
Kazakhstan | KAZ | Usually 6-10 days |
Kenya | KEN | Usually 8-14 days |
Korea, Republic of | KOR | Usually 6-10 days |
Kuwait | KWT | Usually 8-11 days |
Latvia | LVA | Usually 2-4 days |
Lebanon | LBN | Usually 8-11 days |
Liechtenstein | LIE | Usually 5-7 days |
Lithuania | LTU | Usually 2-5 days |
Luxembourg | LUX | Usually 5 days |
Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of | MKD | Usually 6-7 days |
Malaysia | MYS | Usually 6-10 days |
Malta | MLT | Usually 4-6 days |
Mexico | MEX | Usually 8-14 days |
Moldova, Republic of | MDA | Usually 12 days |
Monaco | MCO | Usually 5-7 days |
Montenegro | MNE | Usually 10-12 days |
Morocco | MAR | Usually 8-14 days |
Mozambique | MOZ | Usually 8-14 days |
Namibia | NAM | Usually 8-14 days |
Nepal | NPL | Usually 6-10 days |
Netherlands | NLD | Usually 2-4 days |
New Zealand | NZL | Usually 4-14 days |
Nigeria | NGA | Usually 8-14 days |
Norway | NOR | Usually 5-7 days |
Oman | OMN | Usually 8-11 days |
Pakistan | PAK | Usually 6-10 days |
Palestinian Territory, Occupied | PSE | Usually 8-11 days |
Panama | PAN | Usually 8-14 days |
Papua New Guinea | PNG | Usually 6-10 days |
Peru | PER | Usually 8-14 days |
Philippines | PHL | Usually 6-10 days |
Poland | POL | Usually 4-7 days |
Portugal | PRT | Usually 6-8 days |
Puerto Rico | PRI | Usually 8-14 days |
Qatar | QAT | Usually 8-11 days |
Romania | ROU | Usually 7-9 days |
Russian Federation | RUS | Usually 7-12 days |
Saudi Arabia | SAU | Usually 8-11 days |
Serbia | SRB | Usually 8-10 days |
Singapore | SGP | Usually 6-10 days |
Slovakia | SVK | Usually 3-5 days |
Slovenia | SVN | Usually 3-5 days |
South Africa | ZAF | Usually 8-14 days |
Spain | ESP | Usually 6-8 days |
Sweden | SWE | Usually 5-7 days |
Switzerland | CHE | Usually 3-5 days |
Tanzania | TZA | Usually 8-14 days |
Thailand | THA | Usually 6-10 days |
Tunisia | TUN | Usually 8-14 days |
Turkey | TUR | Usually 8-11 days |
Ukraine | UKR | Usually 6-9 days |
United Arab Emirates | ARE | Usually 8-11 days |
United Kingdom | GBR | Usually 2-5 days |
United States | USA | Usually 3-4 days |
Uruguay | URY | Usually 8-14 days |
Vietnam | VNM | Usually 6-10 days |
Western Sahara | ESH | Usually 8-14 days |
Zimbabwe | ZWE | Usually 8-14 days |